Thanks for stopping by.

My hope is that you and I will find ways to encourage and support one another
as we endeavor to be wh0 we are...writers.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Note to Writers...

I write.

It is a big deal to me and with little reasoning at all that I say out loud and very boldly in my humble opinion, "I am a writer."

I have struggled with those four words for over a decade now and I have recently come to the conclusion that it is silly of me to pretend that I am not, something that I so very much AM.

I love to write.

I really do not know why. Quite often in my life something isn't real or happening to me unless I have written it down somewhere. And though I would not categorize myself among the many talented and gifted authors I so eagerly read, more like devour on occasion I am nonetheless a writer in my own right.

I journal, I blog, I write on facebook, I scribble words on almost everything, I write scripts, monologues, poems, songs, phrases, note cards(actual printed ones), notes to people, comments, critiques, reviews, the list goes on...I write.

There, I have said it. My daughter will be so proud.

And to you reader, what is it you do?